The Collaborative

The Collaborative is a statewide nonprofit working to ensure that all North Carolinians have access to financial education and asset building tools, with an emphasis on communities of color and people living with disabilities. As the asset building and financial capability convener of North Carolina, we unite financial institutions, nonprofits, and local government agencies across the state around financial inclusion.

Capacity Building

AmeriCorps VISTA

Volunteers In Service To America

The impact and value of financial capability nonprofits is unparalleled. The Collaborative facilitates state-wide capacity building support through the Growing Household Income VISTA project. Through this effort, North Carolina nonprofits are afforded the opportunity to connect with an AmeriCorp VISTA and increase their organization’s impact in the fight to end poverty.

Capacity Building for North Carolina Nonprofits

Full-Time Paid Volunteer

VISTAS help nonprofits create programs and strategies combating wealth and poverty in the community.

Federal Program

AmeriCorps VISTA is a national service program. The Collaborative receives federal funding to help place VISTAS with eligible North Carolina Nonprofits.

Capacity Building

VISTAS contribute to new and innovative projects within your organization. They will use their talents to change the trajectory of communities combating issues related to poverty.


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