Does the thought of cutting your spending make you anxious? You are not alone. Some find gradually spending cuts a lot easier than huge spending changes at once. Here are some tips and tricks to gradually slow spending.
Gradual Spending Cut Tip #1: Look for areas to cut spending that in the short term. Like reducing grocery or dining expenses or putting a cap on your Target visits. Long term cuts like refinancing your car for a more manageable payment, or downsizing to a less expensive home take a bit more time and planning.
Gradual Spending Cut Tip #2: Pick a couple of high-dollar areas from step one to focus on this month – areas that make a noticeable impact on your bottom line.
Gradual Spending Cut Tip #3: Make a 30-day plan to trim spending in those areas by 10%. For example, if you typically spend $120 in restaurants, reduce that by $12 in the coming month. The idea is to make the cut relatively easy to achieve without feeling much pain.
Gradual Spending Cut Tip #4: The next month, think about how you can cut your new monthly spending amount by another 10%. You may begin to enjoy finding new ways to creatively stretch your dollars each month, and feel a lot less deprived as a result.
Durham Tech Community, for more personal finance advice or tips, email me at
Larry is the Financial Coach at Durham Tech, providing individual coaching services and information to the students and employees of the Durham Tech community.